Past Webinars

Past TIES Annual Meetings 

11:00 AM (ET)


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Dr Nicholas Lahaye

Data Scientist



Comparison of Model Complexity, Representative Capabilities, and Performance for Self-Supervised Multi-Sensor Wildfire and Smoke Segmentation and Tracking: Initial Results and a Path Forward


Abstract:  Earth observing instruments from NASA and NOAA have long provided comprehensive observations of wildfires and smoke plumes from wildfires. An increasing number of other governmental and commercial entities are also launching orbital platforms to help improve wildland fire and smoke observational capabilities. It is crucial that we maximize the usability of the data from this ever-increasing set of instruments and use them each as parts of larger wildland fire and smoke observation, measurement, tracking, and forecasting systems. At present, JPL’s Segmentation, Instance Tracking, and data Fusion Using multi-SEnsor imagery (SIT-FUSE), utilizes self-supervised deep learning (DL) to segment and track instances of objects like wildfires and smoke plumes across single and multi-sensor scenes of geolocated radiance data from NASA’s orbital and suborbital instruments with minimal human intervention, in low and no label environments. This allows us to create a sensor web of pre-existing and historic instruments and add new instruments to the sensor web when their data becomes available.

As we transition this technology towards operational usability, it is crucial that we build a framework that can leverage architectures across the fast-paced domain of deep learning. With the goal of building a “system-of-systems” deep learning framework where per-instrument encodings are generated, fused where appropriate, and further downstream components are built to leverage the initial encodings, comes the need to systematically analyze and select encoders capable of providing ample information and a diverse enough representation, while also selecting sub-architectures that keep the resources needed for training and inference as low as possible. Here we provide an analysis of representative capabilities and performance for varying complexities of encoders in the context of self-supervised segmentation and tracking of wildfires and smoke plumes using measurements from NASA, NOAA, KMA, and Planet Labs instruments as input.

11:00 AM (CT)


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Dr Peter Dueben

Head Scientist



Digital Twins of the Earth System and the Digital Revolution of Earth System Science


Abstract: This talk will outline three revolutions that happened in Earth system modelling in the past decades. The quiet revolution has leveraged better observations and more compute power to allow for constant improvements of prediction quality of the last decades, the digital revolution has enabled us to perform km-scale simulations on modern supercomputers that further increase the quality of our models, and the machine learning revolution has now shown that machine learned weather models are often competitive with conventional weather models for many forecast scores while being easier, smaller and cheaper. This talk will summarize the past developments, explain current challenges and opportunities, and outline how the future of Earth system modelling will look like. It will also explain why we are now talking about Digital Twins of the Earth system and how these twins will help to make Earth system modelling more interactive and flexible.

Residual Treed Gaussian Processes

11:00 AM (CT)


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Dr Pulong Ma

Assistant Professor

Department of Statistics, 

Iowa State University


Residual Treed Gaussian Processes


Abstract: Gaussian processes (GP) enjoy wide popularity in spatial statistics, uncertainty quantification, and machine learning. With the advance of measurement technologies and increasing computing power, large numbers of measurements and large-scale numerical simulations make traditional GP models and computational strategies inadequate in dealing with spatially heterogeneous and big data, especially in multi-dimensional domains. In recent years, several multi-scale or tree-based extensions of the GP have been introduced to model spatial nonstationarity and/or achieve scalable computation. In this talk, I introduce a new Bayesian tree-based GP inference framework called residual treed GP (ResTGP). ResTGP combines key features of the treed GP (Gramacy and Lee 2008) and the multi-resolution GP (Fox and Dunson 2012), thereby enjoying the computational efficiency of the formal and the flexibility of the latter. Our main idea is to decompose a Gaussian process as well as the data at a cascade of resolutions across locations through iteratively computing predictive and residual processes, thereby characterizing the underlying covariance structure and achieving divide-and-conquer on the data points simultaneously. We also introduce a new computational strategy for Bayesian inference for ResTGP that does not rely on Metropolis-Hastings based stochastic tree search algorithms but is based on recursive message passing. This is joint work with Li Ma at Duke University.  

Machine Learning in Climate Action 

1:00 PM (CT)


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Assistant Professor

School of Computer Science, 

McGill University


The use of emulators for uncertainty characterization and integrated modeling 


11:00 AM (CT)


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Senior Scientist

Joint Global Change Research Institute (PNNL)


From Theory to Practice in Anthropogenic Climate Change: More than a Century of Monitoring and Prediction 


11:00 AM (CT)


Director and Senior Scientist,

 Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)

Columbia Climate School, Columbia University


Machine learning for spatial-temporal environmental data: Successes and pitfalls

11:00 AM (CT)


Johns Hopkins University Professor 

Assessing Urban Form & Climate Justice with Self Supervised Deep Learning

1:00 PM (CT)


City of Hope National Medical Center

Geospatial Data Scientist

Department of Computer Science, Temple University

Assistant Professor

What is the 100 Year Flood, and Will It Be the Same in the Future

11:00 am (CT)


Karen Ryberg

U.S. Geological Survey Dakota Water Science Center

Deputy Director

Data Science and the assessment of climate risk

11:00 am (CT)


Steve Sain

Jupiter Intelligence

Sr. Director, Geospatial and Data Sciences 

Machine Learning for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

9:00 am (CT)


Claire Monteleoni


Choose France Chair in AI & Research 

University of Colorado Boulder

Associate Professor

Combined land use of solar energy and agriculture (Agrivoltaics) for socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits

11:00 am (CT)


Sujith Ravi

Associate Professor

Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences

Temple University

Combining network theory and tree functional traits to improve forest resilience to global change

11:00 am (CT)


Marie-Josee Fortin

University Professor

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto

Machine-Learning Applications in Process-understanding and Prediction of Wildfire

11:00 am (CT)


Jiafu Mao

Senior Staff Scientist

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Resilience Technology: Value-Added Analytics for the Wicked Wildfire Problem

11:00 am (CT)


Natasha Stavros

Analytics Hub Director

Earth Lab, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado Boulder

Leveraging global streamflow prediction systems for imputation of missing in-situ observations in West Africa

11:00 am (CT)


Rendani Mbuvha

DeepMind Academic Fellow in Machine Learning

Queen Mary University of London

Bayesian Inference In High-dimensional Spatial Statistics: Conquering New Challenges

11:00 am (CST)


Sudipto Banerjee

Professor and Chair


Department of Biostatistics

Bayesian Inference on Carbon Dioxide Surface Fluxes using Satellite Data

6:00 pm (CST)


9:00 am (AEST)


Andrew Zammit-Mangion

Associate Professor

University of Wollongong, Australia

Beyond Roughness: Efficient Parameter Estimation of Sampled Random Fields in Geology and Geophysics

11:00am (CST)

Frederik Simons


Princeton University

Application of topological data analysis to multi-resolution matching and anomaly detection

11:00am (CST)

Kyo Lee

Data scientist

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech